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The Committee

Your committee for 2023/2024 is:

Alyssa Joffe Clare President
Conall Moss Queens Secretary
Sarp Hangisi Trinity Treasurer

The Senior Treasurer is Gaute Strokkenes.
The committee as a whole can be contacted via email at soc-dip-committee@lists.cam.ac.uk.
The Privacy Policy may be found here.

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Archive and History

The committee was once contacted by Nicholas Whyte, president of DipSoc in 1987-1988, who could tell us that DipSoc was founded in 1986. Apparantly both he and the founder Paul Brummell have continued to diplomatic careers.

The written records (games, people and finances) go back to about 1996.

The current committee would welcome any further information of years past.

Jack's DipSoc quotes page exists, and is excellent.

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The Constitution

This is a copy of the current Constitution of the society, adopted at the AGM on the 13th of Febuary 2018. It is identical to the original apart from some formatting changes. However, the original copy is binding in all situations.

  1. Title
    The name of the society shall be the "Cambridge University Diplomacy and Board Gaming Society", which may be shortened to the "Cambridge University Diplomacy Society". Hereafter, it is referred to as "DipSoc" or "the society".
  2. Objectives
    The aims of DipSoc shall be to:
    1. promote the development of the board game Diplomacy and its variants, other board games, and such other pastimes of a similar nature as the members wish to sponsor.
    2. assist the members in enhancing their understanding of and skills in these activities through organising venues and facilitating contacts within Cambridge and with other equivalent societies within the United Kingdom and abroad.
  3. Organisation
    The society shall consist of:
    1. all of its members (as defined in section 4 below),
    2. an Executive Committee ("the committee") which shall be responsible for the day to day running of the society in accordance with the objectives set out in section 2 (above), and the provisions of sections 6 and 7 (below), and
    3. a Senior Treasurer, who shall be a member of the Regent House or other person approved by the Junior Proctor. The Senior Treasurer shall be appointed by the elected members of the Executive Committee and shall be ex officio a member of the Executive committee.
    A majority of the elected members of the Executive Committee shall be full-time undergraduate or post-graduate members of the University.

  4. Membership
    4.1 Membership of the Society shall be open to all Members of Cambridge University and other persons as the Committee approve.

    4.2 Each member of the Society shall pay a membership subscription according to whether they have subscribed for a Year or for a Life Membership. The rates of subscription shall be fixed from time to time with the advice of the Treasurer.

    4.3 If a year Member wishes to upgrade to Life Membership, they may do so at the cost of the difference between the life and annual membership rates. This may be done at any time.

  5. Finances

    5.1 No member of the committee (including the Senior Treasurer) shall be liable for any debt or other obligation of the society except where they have personally authorised such a liability in writing.

    5.2 Officers of the society should not authorise any transaction involving financial liability, whether by signing a cheque or by authorising the making of a contract or agreement, unless they are sure it is intra vires and that sufficient funds are available. If there are doubts, the transaction should not go ahead without all the members of the society agreeing to it in advance and undertaking liability for it. Funds should only be used for purposes consistent with the constitution of the society.

    5.3 All requests for funding for purchases or events must come before the purchase or event takes place, or no monies will be made available.

    5.4 The Senior Treasurer shall make arrangements for the Society's Accounts to be properly audited, either by himself or herself, or by some other person approved under University Ordinances.

  6. The Executive Committee
    6.1 The committee shall consist of the individual members holding the following offices:
    1. President,
    2. Secretary,
    3. Treasurer,
    4. Senior Treasurer,
    5. Co-opted members, of whom there shall be no more than three at any time.

    6.2 All members of the committee may vote. A committee decision shall be quorate if three or more office holders participate in the vote. No member may hold two or more elected posts concurrently, nor may any member cast more than one vote.

  7. Office Holders
    Office holders shall be held for one year following election; duties shall be:

    7.1 The President shall have discretion to act for and represent DipSoc in such circumstances as may make impossible a collective decision of the committee, subject to the terms of the Constitution and the spirit of the society. The President shall ensure that the provisions of the Constitution and the spirit of the society are adhered to by the committee, and shall in addition ensure that DipSoc is registered with the Junior Proctors following the Annual General Meeting each year. The President is responsible for ensuring that other office holders perform their duties to a satisfactory standard.

    7.2 The Secretary shall ensure that all correspondance is promptly brought to the attention of the committee, and that the society is efficient in its dealings with other bodies. The Secretary shall ensure that meetings are properly conducted and that fair and accurate minutes are taken and distributed as appropriate. The Secretary shall be responsible for ensuring that the standards of regular Diplomacy are maintained in email equivalents. The Secretary shall also ensure that the relevant statistics and results are compliled and processed annually, in order that members may improve their Diplomacy skills.

    7.3 The Treasurer shall maintain those records which are necessary to ensure that the society is administered in accordance with such applicable laws and conditions as are laid down from the relevant authorities from time to time, and this is demonstrably so. The Treasurer shall prepare annual estimates for the year ahead and accounts for the year past for presentation to the Senior Treasurer and the University Junior Proctor's Office. All items of expenditure must be authorised by the Treasurer in writing before DipSoc may take responsibility for them.

    7.4 Co-opted members may fill the following offices:
    A Conventions Officer, who shall organise DipSoc participation in and hosting of, conventions. A Purchasing Officer, who shall negotiate prices and terms of such new acquisitions as are periodically required. An Archivist, who shall undertake the statistical processing required under section 7.2 (above). A Website Manager, who shall maintain the Society website.

  8. Meetings
    8.1 DipSoc members shall meet to engage in Diplomacy, its variants and other board games on a weekly basis throughout full term. E-mail Diplomacy and variants shall operate in conjunction with this.

    8.2 There shall be a Convention at least annually, where Diplomacy, its variants and other board games may be undertaken during the course of a full day.

    8.3 The committee shall meet at least termly to undertake the running of the society.

    8.4 There shall be an Annual General Meeting in the second half of Lent or first half of Easter full terms to elect new office holders and to amend this Constitution. Elections shall be by secret ballot of all members present. Candidates may nominate themselves by submitting to the outgoing Secretary a statement of intention to stand at any time up to 30 minutes prior to the vote. The quorum for these votes shall be 7 full members, or one third of the society's current active members, should this ever be less than 21. Votes will be counted by two non-candidate members of the society. Voting results may be challenged during the 30 days following the vote.

    8.5 Extraordinary General Meetings may be held during full term to amend the constitution and elect new committee members if it becomes necessary. Written notice must be provided to the active members at least 7 days prior to the meeting. Voting will proceed as per the arrangements for AGMs.

  9. Changes to the Constitution
    The Constitution may be amended at a General Meeting, with approval of at least two thirds of those present. No amendment to this Constitution intended to remove the position of Senior Treasurer, to alter its prerogatives and duties, or to change the criteria and procedure for the appointment of a Senior Treasurer can be put to a vote without the prior written agreement of the Junior Proctor of the University of Cambridge.
  10. Disciplinary processes
    The Society�s only disciplinary sanctions are to expel or to suspend a member whose actions are felt to be such as to bring the Society into disrepute, or to adversely affect the smooth running of the Society in a major way. Such expulsion or suspension can only be effected by a majority vote of all Executive Committee members, excluding the Senior Treasurer. In the event of an expulsion, the excluded member is required to return all equipment, documents and finances belonging to the Society within 7 days. They will not be entitled to any full or partial refund of annual subscriptions; If the excluded or suspended member wishes to appeal the decision, that appeal should be made to the Senior Treasurer, who will consider all the facts, and whose decision will be final. An appeal as to the process of exclusion, but not a further investigation into the facts, may be lodged with the Junior Proctor.
  11. Dissolution

    11.1 The Society may be dissolved at an Extraordinary General Meeting provided that at least Twenty-one days written notice of the intention to dissolve the Society has been given to the members. At least two thirds of those present and voting at the General Meeting must vote in favour of the motion for Dissolution for it to be effective.

    11.2 Any motion for Dissolution of the Society shall provide that assets remaining after all liabilities have been met shall be transferred either to another Registered University Society, or to the Society's Syndicate.

  12. Interpretation of this Constitution
    In all circumstance in which the two diverge, the spirit of the sentiments expressed, rather than the exact wording expressing them, is to be taken as sovereign. In the event of irreconcilable differences over interpretation, an extra-ordinary meeting is to be called with 30 days of the dispute arising, and a secret ballot of all members in attendance is to be taken as settling the issue in accordance with the procedures laid out in section 8.4
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